Monthly Archives: May 2014


If you are looking to stay up-to-date on labor issues but don’t always have time to read long articles, I suggest checking out Belabored on Dissent Magazine’s website. Hosted by Sarah Jaffe and Michelle Chen, this biweekly podcast features labor news and analysis. Jaffe and Chen have produced over 50 episodes since April 2013. In the latest podcast, they report… Read more →

NYC Jobs & Wages

It’s no surprise that service jobs pay less than jobs in the financial sector, but to get a clearer picture of who is making the most money in New York City and from what kinds of positions, I created this data visualization. The data comes from the Department of Labor.       These occupational headings in the report are a little… Read more →

Invisible Labor in the Art World

Last night at the Art In General gallery space in Tribeca, artist Lisi Raskin led a discussion about invisible labor. It was a thought-provoking discussion, and I found it interesting to hear the term “invisible labor” used in the art world. To Raskin’s credit, she pointed out issues of unpaid labor in the field, as well as acknowledging the extent… Read more →

Worker Stats

In the course of writing the print article for this site, I came across several reports with interesting statistics about underpaid workers and how they experience their jobs. Since I was unable to include more of this information in the article, I’m highlighting some of those report findings here. Working Without Laws: A Survey of Employment and Labor Law Violations In… Read more →